CROOZ, Inc. is one of the leading mobile social game providers in Japan. We also publish original titles on “Mobage” and other leading social gaming platforms.
Some of our games are grossing over US$1MM per month. We are currently expanding the business internationally to capitalize on the rapid growth of global smartphone game industry., and in doing so, we aim to become a dominant player in both domestic and global markets.
Our main title is Supernatural Succession! Ragnabreak, but we also have expertise in popular licensed games, producing such hits as The Friend and Miracle! Shoot!, Dokaben and Daikoshien! Mizushima Allstars!, Sengoku Battle! Kunio-Kun, and Team and Resistance! Gang King. In addition, we have also made our first global release with Deity Wars.
Deity Wars is a localized version of the Japanese hit Supernatural Succession! Ragnabreak, and is our first international release.
Roppongihills Mori Tower F38 6-10-1, Roppongi Minato-ku,Tokyo 106-6138 Japan