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Any way to change default position of canvas in workspace?

The canvas is always centered. Is there any way to change that? I'd prefer to have it aligned to the left, so if I have some extra horizontal space at a particular zoom level it can be on the right, where panels pop out from.


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When you open a document in Adobe® Fireworks® for the first time, the workspace includes the Tools panel, Property inspector, menus, and other panels. The Tools panel, on the left of the screen, contains labeled categories, including bitmap, vector, and web tool groups. The Property inspector appears along the bottom of the document by default and initially displays document properties. It then changes to display properties for a newly selected tool or currently selected object as you work in the document. The panels are initially docked in groups along the right side of the screen. The document window appears in the center of the program.
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The Start page

When you start Fireworks without opening a document, the Fireworks Start page appears in the work environment. The Start page gives you quick access to Fireworks tutorials, recent files, and Fireworks Exchange, where you can add new capabilities to some Fireworks features. To disable the start page, click Don't Show Again when the Start page opens.
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About Fireworks panels

Panels are floating controls that help you edit aspects of a selected object or elements of the document. Panels let you work on states, layers, symbols, color swatches, and more. Each panel is draggable, so you can group panels in custom arrangements.

Optimize panel
Lets you manage the settings that control size and type of a file and work with the color palette of the file or slice.

Layers panel
Organizes the structure of a document and contains options for creating, deleting, and manipulating layers. 

Common Library panel
Displays the contents of the Common Library folder, which contains symbols. You can easily drag instances of these symbols from the Document Library panel to your document. 

Pages panel
Displays the pages in the current file and contains options for manipulating pages.

States panel
Displays the states in the current file and includes options for creating animations.

History panel
Lists commands you have recently used so that you can quickly undo and redo them. In addition, you can select multiple actions, and then save and reuse them as commands. 

Auto Shapes panel
Contains Auto Shapes that are not displayed in the Tools panel.

Styles panel
Lets you store and reuse combinations of object characteristics or select a stock style.

Document Library panel
Contains graphic symbols, button symbols, and animation symbols that are already in the current Fireworks document. You can easily drag instances of these symbols from the Document Library panel to your document. You can make global changes to all instances by modifying only the symbol. 

URL panel
Lets you create libraries containing frequently used URLs.

Color Mixer panel
Lets you create new colors to add to the color palette of the current document or to apply to selected objects.

Swatches panel
Manages the color palette of the current document. 

Info panel
Provides information about the dimensions of selected objects and the exact coordinates of the pointer as you move it across the canvas.

Behaviors panel
Manages behaviors, which determine what hotspots and slices do in response to mouse movement.

Find panel
Lets you search for and replace elements such as text, URLs, fonts, and colors in a document or multiple documents.

Align panel
Contains controls for aligning and distributing objects on the canvas.

Auto Shape Properties panel
Lets you change the properties of an Auto Shape after you insert one into your document.

Color Palette panel (Window > Others)
Enables you to create and swap color palettes, export custom ACT color swatches, explore various color schemes and access commonly used controls for choosing colors.

Image Editing (Window > Others)
Organizes common tools and options used for bitmap editing into one panel.

Path panel (Window > Others)
Provides quick access to many path-related commands.

Special Characters (Window > Others)
Displays the special characters that can be used in text blocks.

Symbol Properties
Manages the customizable properties of graphic symbols.

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Workspace overview

You create and manipulate your documents and files using various elements, such as panels, bars, and windows. Any arrangement of these elements is called a workspace. The workspaces of the different applications in Adobe® Creative Suite® 5 share the same appearance so that you can move between the applications easily. You can also adapt each application to the way you work by selecting from several preset workspaces or by creating one of your own.
Although the default workspace layout varies in different products, you manipulate the elements much the same way in all of them.
Default Illustrator workspace

Tabbed Document windows

Application bar

Workspace switcher

Panel title bar

Control panel

Tools panel

Collapse To Icons button

Four panel groups in vertical dock

The Application bar across the top contains a workspace switcher, menus (Windows only), and other application controls. On the Mac for certain products, you can show or hide it using the Window menu.

The Tools panel contains tools for creating and editing images, artwork, page elements, and so on. Related tools are grouped.

The Control panel displays options for the currently selected tool. In Illustrator, the Control panel displays options for the currently selected object. (In Adobe Photoshop® this is known as the Options bar. In Adobe Flash®, Adobe Dreamweaver®, and Adobe Fireworks® this is known as the Property Inspector and includes properties of the currently selected element.)

The Document window displays the file you’re working on. Document windows can be tabbed and, in certain cases, grouped and docked.

Panels help you monitor and modify your work. Examples include the Timeline in Flash, the Brush panel in Illustrator, the Layers panel in Adobe Photoshop®, and the CSS Styles panel in Dreamweaver. Panels can be grouped, stacked, or docked.

The Application frame groups all the workspace elements in a single, integrated window that lets you treat the application as a single unit. When you move or resize the Application frame or any of its elements, all the elements within it respond to each other so none overlap. Panels don’t disappear when you switch applications or when you accidentally click out of the application. If you work with two or more applications, you can position each application side by side on the screen or on multiple monitors.

If you are using a Mac and prefer the traditional, free-form user interface, you can turn off the Application frame. In Adobe Illustrator®, for example, select Window > Application Frame to toggle it on or off. (In Flash, the Application frame is on permanently for Mac, and Dreamweaver for Mac does not use an Application frame.)

Hide or show all panels

(Illustrator, Adobe InCopy®, Adobe InDesign®, Photoshop, Fireworks)To hide or show all panels, including the Tools panel and Control panel, press Tab.

(Illustrator, InCopy, InDesign, Photoshop) To hide or show all panels except the Tools panel and Control panel, press Shift+Tab.
You can temporarily display hidden panels if Auto-Show Hidden Panels is selected in Interface preferences. It’s always on in Illustrator. Move the pointer to the edge of the application window (Windows®) or to the edge of the monitor (Mac OS®) and hover over the strip that appears.

(Flash, Dreamweaver, Fireworks) To hide or show all panels, press F4.

Display panel options
Click the panel menu icon in the upper-right corner of the panel.
You can open a panel menu even when the panel is minimized.
In Photoshop, you can change the font size of the text in panels and tool tips. In the Interface preferences, choose a size from the UI Font Size menu.
(Illustrator) Adjust panel brightness

In User Interface preferences, move the Brightness slider. This control affects all panels, including the Control panel.
Reconfigure the Tools panel

You can display the tools in the Tools panel in a single column, or side by side in two columns. (This feature is not available in the Tools panel in Fireworks and Flash.)
In InDesign and InCopy, you also can switch from single-column to double-column (or single-row) display by setting an option in Interface preferences.

Click the double arrow at the top of the Tools panel.
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Manage windows and panels

You can create a custom workspace by moving and manipulating Document windows and panels. You can also save workspaces and switch among them. For Fireworks, renaming custom workspaces can lead to unexpected behavior.
Note: The following examples use Photoshop for demonstration purposes. The workspace behaves the same in all the products.
Rearrange, dock, or float document windows

When you open more than one file, the Document windows are tabbed.

To rearrange the order of tabbed Document windows, drag a window’s tab to a new location in the group.

To undock (float or untab) a Document window from a group of windows, drag the window’s tab out of the group.
Note: In Photoshop you can also choose Window > Arrange > Float in Window to float a single Document window, or Window > Arrange > Float All In Windows to float all of the Document windows at once. See tech note kb405298 for more information.
Note: Dreamweaver does not support docking and undocking Document windows. Use the Document window’s Minimize button to create floating windows (Windows), or choose Window > Tile Vertically to create side-by-side Document windows. Search “Tile Vertically” in Dreamweaver Help for more information on this topic. The workflow is slightly different for Macintosh users.

To dock a Document window to a separate group of Document windows, drag the window into the group.

To create groups of stacked or tiled documents, drag the window to one of the drop zones along the top, bottom, or sides of another window. You can also select a layout for the group by using the Layout button on the Application bar.
Note: Some products do not support this functionality. However, your product may have Cascade and Tile commands in the Window menu to help you lay out your documents.

To switch to another document in a tabbed group when dragging a selection, drag the selection over the document’s tab for a moment.
Note: Some products do not support this functionality.

Dock and undock panels

A dock is a collection of panels or panel groups displayed together, generally in a vertical orientation. You dock and undock panels by moving them into and out of a dock.

To dock a panel, drag it by its tab into the dock, at the top, bottom, or in between other panels.

To dock a panel group, drag it by its title bar (the solid empty bar above the tabs) into the dock.

To remove a panel or panel group, drag it out of the dock by its tab or title bar. You can drag it into another dock or make it free-floating.

Navigator panel being dragged out to new dock, indicated by blue vertical highlight
Navigator panel now in its own dock
You can prevent panels from filling all the space in a dock. Drag the bottom edge of the dock up so it no longer meets the edge of the workspace.
Move panels

As you move panels, you see blue highlighted drop zones, areas where you can move the panel. For example, you can move a panel up or down in a dock by dragging it to the narrow blue drop zone above or below another panel. If you drag to an area that is not a drop zone, the panel floats freely in the workspace.
Note: The position of the mouse (rather than the position of the panel), activates the drop zone, so if you can’t see the drop zone, try dragging the mouse to the place where the drop zone should be.

To move a panel, drag it by its tab.

To move a panel group, drag the title bar.

Narrow blue drop zone indicates Color panel will be docked on its own above the Layers panel group.

Title bar


Drop zone

Press Ctrl (Windows) or Command (Mac OS) while moving a panel to prevent it from docking. Press Esc while moving the panel to cancel the operation.
Add and remove panels

If you remove all panels from a dock, the dock disappears. You can create a dock by moving panels to the right edge of the workspace until a drop zone appears.

To remove a panel, right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac) its tab and then select Close, or deselect it from the Window menu.

To add a panel, select it from the Window menu and dock it wherever you want.

Manipulate panel groups

To move a panel into a group, drag the panel’s tab to the highlighted drop zone in the group.
Adding a panel to a panel group

To rearrange panels in a group, drag a panel’s tab to a new location in the group.

To remove a panel from a group so that it floats freely, drag the panel by its tab outside the group.

To move a group, drag the title bar (the area above the tabs).

Stack floating panels

When you drag a panel out of its dock but not into a drop zone, the panel floats freely. The floating panel allows you to position it anywhere in the workspace. You can stack floating panels or panel groups so that they move as a unit when you drag the topmost title bar.
Free-floating stacked panels

To stack floating panels, drag a panel by its tab to the drop zone at the bottom of another panel.

To change the stacking order, drag a panel up or down by its tab.
Note: Be sure to release the tab over the narrow drop zone between panels, rather than the broad drop zone in a title bar.

To remove a panel or panel group from the stack, so that it floats by itself, drag it out by its tab or title bar.

Resize panels

To minimize or maximize a panel, panel group, or stack of panels, double-click a tab. You can also double-click the tab area (the empty space next to the tabs).

To resize a panel, drag any side of the panel. Some panels, such as the Color panel in Photoshop, cannot be resized by dragging.

Collapse and expand panel icons

You can collapse panels to icons to reduce clutter on the workspace. In some cases, panels are collapsed to icons in the default workspace.
Panels collapsed to icons
Panels expanded from icons

To collapse or expand all panel icons in a column, click the double arrow at the top of the dock.

To expand a single panel icon, click it.

To resize panel icons so that you see only the icons (and not the labels), adjust the width of the dock until the text disappears. To display the icon text again, make the dock wider.

To collapse an expanded panel back to its icon, click its tab, its icon, or the double arrow in the panel’s title bar.
In some products, if you select Auto-Collapse Icon Panels from the Interface or User Interface Options preferences, an expanded panel icon collapses automatically when you click away from it.

To add a floating panel or panel group to an icon dock, drag it in by its tab or title bar. (Panels are automatically collapsed to icons when added to an icon dock.)

To move a panel icon (or panel icon group), drag the icon. You can drag panel icons up and down in the dock, into other docks (where they appear in the panel style of that dock), or outside the dock (where they appear as floating icons).

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Working with ConnectNow

Adobe® ConnectNow provides you with a secure, personal online meeting room where you can meet and collaborate with others via the web in real time. With ConnectNow, you can share and annotate your computer screen, send chat messages, and communicate using integrated audio. You can also broadcast live video, share files, capture meeting notes, and control an attendee's computer.

You can access ConnectNow directly from the application interface.

Choose File > Share My Screen.

In the Sign In to Adobe CS Live dialog box, enter your email address and password, and click Sign In. If you don’t have an Adobe ID, click the Create Adobe ID button.

To share your screen, click the Share My Computer Screen button at the center of the ConnectNow application window.

For complete instructions on using ConnectNow, see Adobe ConnectNow Help.

For a video tutorial about using ConnectNow, see Using ConnectNow to share your screen (7:12). (This demonstration is in Dreamweaver.)
To the top
Save and switch workspaces

By saving the current size and position of panels as a named workspace, you can restore that workspace even if you move or close a panel. The names of saved workspaces appear in the workspace switcher in the Application bar.
Save a custom workspace

With the workspace in the configuration you want to save, do one of the following:

(Illustrator) Choose Window > Workspace > Save Workspace.

(Photoshop, InDesign, InCopy) Choose Window > Workspace > New Workspace.

(Dreamweaver) Choose Window > Workspace Layout > New Workspace.

(Flash) Choose New Workspace from the workspace switcher in the Application bar.

(Fireworks) Choose Save Current from the workspace switcher in the Application bar.

Type a name for the workspace.

(Photoshop, InDesign) Under Capture, select one or more options:

Panel Locations
Saves the current panel locations (InDesign only).

Keyboard shortcuts
Saves the current set of keyboard shortcuts (Photoshop only).

Menus or Menu Customization
Saves the current set of menus.

Display or switch workspaces

Select a workspace from the workspace switcher in the Application bar.
In Photoshop, you can assign keyboard shortcuts to each workspace to navigate among them quickly.
Delete a custom workspace

Select Manage Workspaces from the workspace switcher in the Application bar, select the workspace, and then click Delete. (The option is not available in Fireworks.)

(Photoshop, InDesign, InCopy) Select Delete Workspace from the workspace switcher.

(Illustrator) Choose Window > Workspace > Manage Workspaces, select the workspace, and then click the Delete icon.

(Photoshop, InDesign) Choose Window > Workspace >Delete Workspace, select the workspace, and then click Delete.

Restore the default workspace

Select the Default or Essentials workspace from the workspace switcher in the application bar. For Fireworks, see the article
Note: In Dreamweaver, Designer is the default workspace.
For Fireworks (Windows), delete these folders:

Windows Vista
\UsersAppDataRoamingAdobeFireworks CS4 

Windows XP
\Documents and SettingsApplication DataAdobeFireworks CS4 

(Photoshop, InDesign, InCopy) Select Window > Workspace > Reset [Workspace Name].

(Photoshop) Restore a saved workspace arrangement

In Photoshop, workspaces automatically appear as you last arranged them, but you can restore the original, saved arrangement of panels.

To restore an individual workspace, choose Window > Workspace > Reset Workspace Name.

To restore all the workspaces installed with Photoshop, click Restore Default Workspaces in the Interface preferences.

To rearrange the order of workspaces in the application bar, drag them.
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The Tools panel

The Tools panel is organized into six categories: Select, Bitmap, Vector, Web, Colors, and View. When you select a tool, the Property inspector displays tool options.
Tools panel
Display tool options in the Property inspector

With a tool selected, choose Select > Deselect to deselect all objects on the canvas.
Select a tool from a tool group

A small triangle in the lower right corner of a tool in the Tools panel indicates that it is part of a tool group.
Selecting a tool from the tool group

Click the tool icon and hold down the mouse button.

Drag the pointer to highlight the tool you want, and release the mouse button.

To quickly select a hidden tool, repeatedly press the group keyboard shortcut until the tool you want appears. (Shortcuts are displayed in parentheses next to tool names.)
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The Property inspector

The Property inspector is a context-sensitive panel that displays current selection properties, current tool options, or document properties. By default, the Property inspector is docked at the bottom of the workspace.

The Property inspector can be open at half height, displaying two rows of properties, or at full height, displaying four rows. You can also fully collapse the Property inspector while leaving it in the workspace.
Note: In Windows, the Options menu is available only when the Property inspector is docked.
Undock the Property inspector

Drag the panel tab to another part of the workspace.
Dock the Property inspector at the bottom of the workspace

Drag the panel tab to the bottom of the screen.
Expand or collapse the Property inspector
Do one of the following:

Double-click the panel tab.

Click the arrow in the upper-left corner of the panel.

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Display and move toolbars (Windows only)

Show or hide a toolbar
Choose Window > Toolbars, and select either of the following:

Displays a toolbar above the document window with buttons for common file commands such as Open, Save, Print, and Copy.

Displays a toolbar below the document window with buttons for object grouping, arrangement, alignment, and rotation commands.

Undock a toolbar

Drag the toolbar away from its docked location.
Dock a toolbar (Windows only)

Drag the toolbar onto a docking area at the top of the application window until the placement preview rectangle appears.
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Lock editing during save operation

Editing a document during a save operation causes Fireworks to stop responding. When you set AsynchronousSave to true in the preferences.txt file, Fireworks locks the file for editing until the save operation completes. You can however, continue to work on other open Fireworks documents.

Objects that get updated during the save operation do not get updated in the AsynchronousSave mode. Set Asynchr in the preferences.txt file when working with such objects. For example, the autoshape Save Time Stamp is not updated when Asynchr >
By default, the asynchronous option is set to true for Windows, and false for Mac.

Locate preferences.txt file. In Windows, the file is present in \Application DataAdobeFireworks CS5EnglishFireworks CS5 Preferences. In Mac OS, the file is present in //Library/Preferences/Adobe Fireworks CS5/en/Fireworks CS5 Preferences.

Set Asynchr in the file.

Save the file.

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined index: HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE

Filename: helpers/time_helper.php

Line Number: 22

2014-07-23     0 Comments


A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined index: HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE

Filename: helpers/time_helper.php

Line Number: 22


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