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Works searching result of "software"
I'm looking for a piece of mapping software that will do high lights and low lights around the edges of a map - like this map from Triple A. Ideally it would let me edit/re-edit points as well. If it doesn't exist then I'll probably make another fantasy map editor to do so but... I'm hoping somebody has already written this.
can somebody give the link of that software??
i want a simple and easy to use...
i don't want virtualdub please give other software , any software that can add subtitles PERMANENTLY
The trouble is, I can't find anything good. A Google search turned up Pixen, which I was delighted with for about 10 minutes. It would indeed be a lot better than Photoshop for this specialized task, if it worked... but it's one of the buggiest pieces of software I've seen in a long time.
Mac is generally an artist-friendly platform, so there must be something out there... what do professional, Mac-based pixel artists use?